Three firefighters were sworn in to their full-time duties during the Warsaw Board of Works meeting Friday.
Mayor Joe Thallemer was the one who swore in Cody Bixler, Tyler Colt and Ryan Marshall to the Warsaw-Wayne Fire Territory.
“This is always a very joyous time for me to see folks that are willing to invest their time and talents into our community, into the safety of our community,” Thallemer said.
Thallemer also said the job takes dedication.
“I know it’s not easy and at times and it’s dangerous,” the mayor said. “That’s why we’re invested in their success.”
The Board of Works also approved a road closure for the city’s Spooktacular event Oct. 25.
Thallemer said the road closure request didn’t look like it had changed since he had last seen it.
According to the road closure request form, Buffalo Street between Main Street and the railroad tracks, Center Street between Indiana and Lake streets, as well as Market Street between Indiana and Lake streets will be closed from 3 until 10 p.m. Oct. 25.
Spooktacular will be open to the general public and will not have admission, according to the road closure form.
“It’s a very well attended event by the kids,” Thallemer said. “It works well when the roads are closed.”
Multiple payments were also approved by the Board of Works.
The Board approved a request to pay MetroNet a $1,600 one-time fee and a $89.95 monthly service fee.
“We are asking for approval for an agreement with MetroNet moving forward in relocating the phone and Internet and point-to-point services that have been at the Central Park Office out to the Pete Thorne Office,” Staci Young, assistant to the mayor, said. This would also leave the maintenence shop without phone or Internet, which is “essential for their camera system.”
In order to get the maintenance shop Internet, it will need to bore under the alleyway next to it while the shop is still located where it currently is.
The one-time fee will be for work done in order to bore under the alleyway, as well as dropping new lines at the Pete Thorne Center.
The Board also approved a $84,171.61 to be paid for work done prior to Sept. 10 for the construction portion of the sewer project on North Pointe Drive.
Jeremy Skinner, planning and zoning director, said this is the first payment for the project which is expected to be done in November.
According to the payment application, the construction project will be split between INDOT grant funds, street department funds and TIF funds.