CCS receives cases of peanut better from LKH

A view of the peanut butter collected by LKH. Photo provided.
News Release

WARSAW — To help address hunger in the community and in celebration of National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day on Tuesday, Lutheran Kosciusko Hospital (LKH) collected 1,754 jars of peanut and other nut butters for Combined Community Services.

The jars were donated by Lutheran Kosciusko Hospital employees, medical staff members,
volunteers and residents during a recent Jars of Love Peanut Butter Drive which
was launched to help support neighbors facing food insecurity — a social determinant of health.

“Food insecurity has a significant impact on a person’s overall health and wellbeing,” said Lynn Mergen, chief executive officer for LKH.

“Through our Jars of Love Peanut Butter Drive, we are working to help fight hunger in our community. Our generous medical staff, Walsh Construction team working on our expansion, community members and employees really stepped up and exceeded our donation expectations,” Mergen said.

Combined Community Services serves hundreds of families a month and peanut butter is one of the high-demand food items food banks can provide to offer a protein source that has an extended shelf life.

All Lutheran Health Network hospitals participated in the drive collecting a total of 3,451 jars of nut butters that were donated to area food banks in Fort Wayne, Warsaw, Peru and Bluffton.