Jared Foltz wanted his marijuana back. Instead, he was shot and killed.
That’s what court documents are saying about the charges 18-year-old Jarrod Spigutz is facing in Sunday’s fatal shooting at the Elkhart Menard’s on E. Windsor Ave. Those documents say Spigutz pulled out a 9mm and shot Foltz several times when the marijuana deal appeared to be going south. One of those shots hit Foltz in the head, according to the Elkhart Truth.

After firing the shots at Foltz, Spigutz tried to hide the marijuana and handgun in the trunk of his Toyota Camry before taking off. He was caught about 10 minutes later after six witnesses at Menard’s gave a detailed description of the Camry.
Spigutz was initially arrested on marijuana and handgun possession charges. A witness later identified in a photo lineup by one of the witnesses.
Spigutz remains in jail on no bond at the Elkhart County Correctional Facility.