Lonestar crowd donated nearly $9,000 to St. Jude

The Lonestar concert in Central Park attracted a large crowd on July 21. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
Staff Report

WARSAW — The Country Concert for St. Jude held on July 21 and featuring Lonestar raised nearly $9,000 for St. Jude Childen’s Research Hospital.

The final total was $8,971.

Concert co-sponsor Willie 103.5’s Chris Cage was taken aback by the support.

“We couldn’t do it without the listeners. They’re the ones who make it happen. They were the ones who donated money. Big thank you to everyone who came out,” Cage said.

He and others speculated that the turnout was among the biggest ever.

“In my opinion, yeah, biggest one I’ve seen for a country show in a very long time,” Cage said.