Polls are Open! Election Day is Here

Election Day is here, so what do you need to know to participate in the process? You can check your voter registration and polling place by visiting Indiana Voters dot com. Voters must be a US Citizen, 18 years old, have lived in their precinct for at least 30 days before the election, and have a valid state driver’s license or state-issued ID card. In The Hoosier State the polls are open from 6 AM to 6 PM.

Polling Places

Warsaw: Center Lake Pavilion, 117 East Canal Street, Warsaw, IN
Claypool/Clay Township: Claypool Lions Building, 205 West Calhoun Street, Claypool
Etna Green/Etna Township: Heritage Park Building, 338 South Walnut Street, Etna Green
Leesburg/Plain Township: Leesburg Lions Community Building, 114 West School Street, Leesburg
Syracuse/Turkey Creek Township: Syracuse Community Center, 1013 North Long Drive, Syracuse
Pierceton/Washington Township: Pierceton Community Building, 105 West Walnut Street, Pierceton