Rita Anglin named Etna Township Trustee

Kosciusko County Republican Central Committee Chairman Mike Ragan (second from right) congratulates Rita F. Anglin for being chosen as the new Etna Township trustee. She replaces Gary Sponseller, who resigned from the position effective July 20 because he and his wife are moving out of the township. Also pictured is Tom Anglin (R), Rita’s husband, and C. Austin Rovenstine (L), GOP secretary. Photo by David Slone

The wife of a former longtime county councilman is the new Etna Township trustee.

Kosciusko County Republican Central Committee Chairman Mike Ragan announced Thursday afternoon that Rita F. Anglin will serve in the position. She replaces Gary Sponseller, who resigned from the trustee position effective July 20, after almost 16 years. He and his wife plan to move out of the township. Sponseller was re-elected in November and his current term began Jan. 1.

The other person who filed for the trustee seat was Angela Flenar.

Since fewer than two persons were eligible to participate in a precinct committeemen caucus to fill the vacancy, Ragan consulted with Etna Township Republican Precinct Committeeman Steve Sechrist before announcing the appointment at the county clerk’s office Thursday.

At the announcement, Ragan thanked both candidates for filing for the position. “I am sure either candidate would serve the citizens of Etna Township well,” he said.

“Accordingly, after consulting with some Etna Township residents, including … Sechrist and … Sponseller, a review of the candidates’ business experience and finally their voting history, I am pleased to appoint Rita Anglin to complete the remaining term, ending Dec. 31, 2020,” Ragan continued.

He congratulated Anglin on the appointment and wished her well in her new position. “We … are confident that she will serve the citizens of Etna Township with courtesy and professionalism.”

Rita is the wife of Tom Anglin, who served on the Kosciusko County Council for 41 years.

She said, “I’m looking forward to meeting with Gary Sponseller and learning a little more and have him help me get started.”

She said Julia Goon, the Prairie Township trustee for 39 years and the Kosciusko County Township Trustee Association president, has helped her and is willing to help her with any questions she may have.

“I’m just excited to start. Kind of afraid, just don’t know what you’re doing, but (excited),” Anglin said.

The Kosciusko GOP thanked Sponseller for his many years of service to Etna Township.

“We wish he and his wife Kathy and their family well in their future endeavors,” Ragan said.