Stamp Out Hunger food drive results

(Photo Supplied/Stamp Out Hunger)

12,605 pounds of food was distributed to the Food Pantries of Combined Community Services and The Salvation Army.

It was a result of local efforts at the Warsaw Post Office as part of The National Association of Letter Carriers’ 25th Annual “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive on Saturday May 13.

United Way Director Darren Bickel reacted positively to the total amount collected.

“We appreciate how the Warsaw area responded to the appeal  of our Letter Carriers to collect food for these two pantries that serve hundreds of families each month in supplementing their food budgets,” says Bickel.  “We encourage the community to Give, Advocate and Volunteer.  This event was a wonderful expression of that ideal.”

This year’s collection is the 6th largest total ever collected.  A little over 7 tons was collected in May 2014.