Warsaw CARES website ready to direct users for assistance

By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — Finding resources from people who care is as simple as two words — cares and resources.

Or more simply, caresresources.com.

That’s the new website that is up and running and operated by Warsaw-Wayne Fire Territory. The website can serve as a starting point for those seeking help with a wide variety of problems.

CARES (Community Assistance, Resources, Emergency Services) started just a few years ago to assist people who firefighters and EMS workers were coming across in their daily work activities.

Users can download an app for the website.

Fire Chief Brian Mayo said the website serves as an excellent starting point in providing direction on assistance with numerous problems ranging from mental health, substance abuse, housing, grief and even veterans services.

Emergency responders are equipped with cards that include a QR code that can direct the user to the website where they can find resources.

On Monday, council approved a transfer of $6,000 the city received as a result of a grant form Community Foundation that was used to reimburse the fire territory for the expenses associated with creation of the website.