City of Warsaw Leaf Pick-up to Begin November 1

Fall leaf pick-up in the Corporate City Limits of Warsaw will officially begin Monday, November 1, 2021.  Large piles of leaves raked to the curb or alley by 7:00 a.m. will be picked up on your regular trash day.
Prior to November 1, crews will be running occasional training exercises with the leaf collection equipment.  Loose leaf piles that are out prior to November 1 may also be picked up as part of a training exercise, but this pick-up will not be daily or on your regular trash day.
Please do not put sticks or other trash in the leaf piles.  Small piles will need to be bagged or boxed and will be picked up on your regular trash day.

As a reminder, leaves cannot be raked into the streets and gutter lines.  This clogs the storm water catch basins and creates drainage issues that can lead to flooding.