Recall on Popular Blood Pressure Medicine

The Food and Drug Administration announced a pharmaceutical company has issued a voluntary recall on a widely used blood pressure medication over contamination concerns.

The pharmaceutical company Sandoz announced the voluntary recall of the drug Losartan after trace amounts of a possible cancer-causing chemical were found.

The recall is only for the 100 milligram/ 25 milligram tablets with the Lot No. JB8912. It was also not distributed before Oct. 8.

The FDA reports Sandoz has not gotten any complaints of adverse reactions caused by the drug.

Sandoz is notifying distributors that the drug should be quarantined. Patients with questions about the recall can contact Sandoz at 800-525-8747 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. EST.

Patients who are taking this specific medication are urged to speak to their doctors before stopping use.