Subdivision plan on CR 75N heads to Warsaw city council

Here is a cropped version of the preliminary design of the planned unit development. See the full design below the story.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW – Warsaw Plan Commission heard nearly two hours of concerns and discussion over plans for a residential subdivision with 169 lots southwest of CR 75N and CR 225E 

The current plan for the 62 acres includes both single-family homes and duplexes.

The proposal by Oakmont Development drew criticism over drainage, traffic and future property values.

The city plan office recommended support for the Asherwood planned unit development. City Planner Justin Taylor said it was important to keep in mind the needs of the community, especially the need for more housing.

The plan commission ultimately voted Monday night to recommend city council consider the proposal, which is still in the preliminary stages.

Plan commission members stressed that technical concerns can be addressed as the developer fine-tunes the plan ahead of city council’s consideration.

Some of the lots are somewhat undersized, which requires the PUD process and approval by city council.

Specifically, all but 26 of 169 lots have sizes that conform with R1 residential requirements, but many of those who spoke against it Monday said they believe it would be an overly dense development, Taylor said.

The developer expressed confidence that concerns over access to the subdivision, drainage issues and drainage could be resolved.

Several speakers called for the plan to be withdrawn and said it was a bad fit.

“The amount of houses has me concerned. The volume of water has me concerned,” said Brent Messmore who lives to the northeast.

John Thomas, representing the developer, sounded un-swayed.

“A lot of these concerns are ours as well. We’re going to make our subdivision accommodate these things because we’re looking to put a sizeable investment here. We want to make sure everybody in the subdivision is happy as well as the surrounding people,” Thomas said.

He predicted the price point for lower costing homes would be around $275,000 with some upward of $400,000.

Plan commission members talked about the need for affordable housing and the fact many people commute into the community for work because of the lack of housing.

Some expressed concern with relying on four retention ponds in the design.

Plan commission member Diane Quance, who sits on city council, expressed concern over the lack of outdoor recreational space in the subdivision.