Top five reasons millennials want to unfriend their grandparents on Facebook

Sunday, September 10 is National Grandparents Day and 919 Marketing surveyed millennials on reasons they’re hesitant to add their grandparents on social media.

While many enjoy having grandma and grandpa on Facebook, some grandchildren admit they secretly want to unfriend them.

Below are the “Top 5 Facebook No-Nos for Grandparents” according to 919 Marketing:

  • Posting “Personal Stuff”
    • 1 in 4 people say their grandparents post too much information about their love life and/or social life.
    • More than 33% say grandma and grandpa post “dirty laundry” about family feuds or finances.
  • Ranting and Raving
    • 1 out of 5 grandchildren say grandma goes “emoji crazy” in comments or posts.
    • 33% of respondents say they don’t like when grandparents get too political or post too much about religion.
  • Tread on Personal Turf
    • 1 in 4 grandchildren dislike when their grandparents friend THEIR friends.
    • 30% of grandchildren get embarrassed when grandparents post personal comments in public places, for example, on their timeline.
    • 50% of those surveyed say they don’t want their grandparents commenting on their social life at all.
    • And 1 out of every 4 grandchildren don’t want their grandparents commenting on their appearance in pictures, whether it be their hair, weight or clothes.
  • Spread Doom, Gloom and Guilt
    • 1 in 4 grand kids don’t like when their grandparents post about being sad, sick, lonely or unhappy.
    • 1 in 5 say they don’t like seeing comments about grandparents’ health, medical issues or procedures.
    • And 1 in 4 say they feel guilty when grandma or grandpa posts, “Why don’t you visit or call more?”
  • Try to Act Cool
    • 22% say its NOT cool when grandparents try to act cool.

Of course, not all grandparents are guilty of these accusations and not all grandchildren feel this way.