A recent review of speeding complaints along Parent Drive in Warsaw, where the Warsaw Retirement Community sits along, showed no evidence of speeding vehicles through the area.
That’s according to Warsaw Police Captain Joel Beam during Wednesday’s Traffic Safety Commission meeting. Beam says the commission agreed to look into the complaints when they were brought forward a few months ago after several residents complained about speeding vehicles on that stretch of road behind Walmart.
Overall, Beam said through traffic studies, they could not find evidence of speeding issues and called it more of a “perception issue,” especially if someone is standing along side and watching the vehicles go by.
City Planner Justin Taylor brought forward some ideas regarding the issue, including a mix of temporary and permanent ones, such as narrowing the road or bump outs. Taylor believes the traffic woes could come from the construction of Petro Drive between Parent and Shelden Street. He believes once that project is complete, it will help with the traffic issues on Parent Drive.