Warsaw Community Schools is seeking the public’s assistance through a survey. The survey can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/r/wcsmissioncp .
WCS mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others. This mission is central in our visionary goals and core values as a community based Public School Corporation. The WCS Mission Statement and strategic goals were created during the 2011-2012 school year.
A great amount of progress on behalf of the students of our community has transpired in those five years. Graduation rate has increased, major curriculum advancements have been incorporated into our schools at all levels and the concept of student dreams and enriching the lives of others has become a cornerstone in our classes. Yet, there is still work to be continued and developed on behalf of our students and community.
We graciously ask for community assistance in guiding our next five (5) years of strategic planning. Throughout the month of September, Dr. Hoffert will be participating in numerous community events sharing the recent progress, but also asking for feedback on community priorities for WCS. An abbreviated version of this presentation is also available at www.warsaw.k12.in.us along with a short 3-minute survey. The survey can also be accessed at this link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/wcsmissioncp .
Participation is critical to hear the many voices in our community.