Warsaw dentist running of IU Board of Trustees position

Dr. Steven C. Hollar of Warsaw is running for Indiana University’s Board of Trustees. Voting begins June 1 and runs through June 30. Any IU degree holder from any campus may vote either online at https://dataforms.iuf.iu.edu/trustee-election/vote or by paper ballot by contacting Amy Cope at truselec@indiana.edu or 812-855-6610.

Hollar earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Indiana University School of Dentistry in 1993. He is currently President of the Indiana Dental Association and Chair of the COVID-19 Task Force. Prior to this role, he was appointed by governors Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence to the Indiana State Board of Dentistry. He served for nine years and was chairman of the regulatory board for two years. For his outstanding service, he was awarded Indiana’s highest civilian honor, The Sagamore of the Wabash. He is the owner of Hollar Dental Group, where he has been serving his patients for 28 years.

The past two years, he served on the Indiana University Presidential Search Advisory committee at the request of the Board of Trustees. The committee’s International search lead to the appointment of Dr. Pamela Whitten who will replace President Michael McRobbie later this summer.

“As a proud life member of the Indiana University Alumni Association, I am passionate about preserving Indiana University’s heritage for future generations,” Hollar said. “I am ready to work alongside IU’s future President, Dr. Pamela Whitten as a trustee in order to maintain the prestige while propelling IU to new heights.” Hollar believes Whitten will be someone who is inclusive, diverse and can listen to others while leading with conviction.

Hollar will be a proponent for lower in-state tuition at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This will lead to greater educational opportunities for all students and families. His strong science-based education will be a welcome addition to the board.

Dr. Hollar appreciates your consideration and asks for your vote.

For more information, visit hollarfortrustee.com