Warsaw Parks hosting floral bouquet paint class

News Release

WARSAW — Susie from Cr8-ur-Canvas will host a wooden cutting board floral bouquet paint class will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. March 8 at the Firemen’s Building, 1013 E. Arthur St., Warsaw.

Cost is $20 per participant and registration is required.

This instructor-led painting class, will give all an opportunity to take home a beautiful masterpiece! This class is available to those 10+ in age!! The cutting board measures 16” with rounded edges.

Susie is a local artist and business owner from Bourbon. She has her own studio where
she teaches hands-on painting classes.

All materials will be provided for the class.
Registration opens Thursday, and continues through March 1, or until filled.

To register click here.

If you need assistance or have any questions, email us here, or call us at 574-372-9554.