Donations needed for Dixie as major repairs continue

The Dixie is currently drydocked on the shores of Webster Lake during repairs. News Now Warsaw photo by Dan Spalding.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — Representatives of the Dixie Sternwheeler are hoping the community will step up with financial support much like they did last weekend with a volunteer effort used to rip out the boat’s lower level floor.

While the nonprofit is making repairs, more still awaits and the nonprofit group that runs it has very little money on hand, said board president Bob Daley.

That’s because repairs are being financed nearly entirely on ticket revenues, which have been exhausted.

“Right now, we don’t have any income coming in until we start ticket sales when we start the season, so we’re trying to delay things as much as possible,” said Bob Dailey, president of the Dixie Board.

The organization has some funds available through a fund with the Kosciusko County Community Foundation, but the current project has relied mostly on revenues from ticket sales from last year.

“We’re hoping for donations,” Dailey said. “We’re kind of late for the grant cycle,” he said.

The group also generated about $2,500 in donations in recent months.

The board also decided to address ticket prices for the upcoming year.

Admission has been the same for 15 years, and will rise from $7 to $9.75, he said.

The biggest repair this off-season involves shoring up a sag in the boat’s hull.

The lower level floor has been removed to do that and a Warsaw firm will do the work soon.

Rust on the exterior and inside the hull also needs to be removed before new paint is applied, he said.

The Dixie has several ways to provide donations, including online and a post office box.

Dailey said they hope to be operating by the start of the season which traditionally arriveson  Memorial Day weekend.