More than half of Indiana voters cast a ballot in 2018 election

More than half of registered voters cast a ballot in the Nov. 6 General Election.

Secretary of State Connie Lawson says 51 percent, or more than 2.3 million of Indiana’s 4.5 million registered voters headed to the polls.

“This is the highest midterm turnout in over two decades,” said Secretary Lawson. “The last time we saw a midterm with turnout in the 50s was in 1994. Both of these election cycles highlight how candidates and issues drive higher turnout in elections.”

One big factor: early voting. A total of 32 percent of voters cast a ballot early. In 2014, that number was only 16 percent.

Allen County voter turnout stood at 49 percent, with 29 percent casting absentee ballots.

Henry County had the highest voter turnout in Indiana at 64 percent.

A full list of voter turnout with absentee figures for each Indiana county can be found here.