Participants sought to help with Saturday Splat project

Above is a screenshot of a painting created on the Mike Huckabee television show by Marc Eckle.
By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw

WARSAW — Want to watch a large painting come to life in a matter of minutes and help document the project?

The opportunity awaits Saturday morning in downtown Warsaw.

That’s when Marc Eckel will quickly throw together an eight-foot painting. He’s the owner of Splat Experience, a Christian performance art ministry.

Saturday’s artwork is different from what he’s done in the past, he said.

Eckel relies on people using cell phones to record the moment and could use a few more people to help out.

The event will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the old ballroom above Mad Anthony’s on East Center Street.

Anyone interested in participating should email Eckel by Thursday and he’ll send you details. You can also reach him by phone at 574-253-2021.

He said he and the participants will go through a dry run so everyone knows what to expect. After the filming, he’ll download the videos from everyone and then condense them into a video at a later time.

Eckel once performed on the Mike Huckabee show. You can see that clip here.