Several dozen people gathered at the Kosciusko County Courthouse Saturday for the Greater Warsaw Ministerial Association’s prayer gathering for Ukraine and peace.
The prayer gathering was a time to support the government and people of Ukraine to defend liberty in their land.
Ken Locke, corps administrator of The Salvation Army in Warsaw and director of the Greater Warsaw Ministerial Association, said he was encouraged about how many showed up at the prayer gathering Saturday.
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve been a hot mess the last few days. And I’m angry, I’m sad and I’ve been all over the place. And I can’t imagine – some of you who are from Ukraine, some of you who have loved ones in Ukraine – I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now,” Locke said.
John Lowe, lead pastor at New Life Christian Church and World Outreach, said he hasn’t slept for three days. Lowe has done ministry work in Ukraine.
There are a lot of righteous people in Ukraine, he said.
John prayed for all the influential people in Ukraine, in military positions for God to give them wisdom. He said the people of Ukraine have been under Communism before and know they can’t allow themselves to come back under it.
Slavic Sagach, who is from Kiev, Ukraine, and is a pastor in Bristol, said Ukraine is important because it’s a reflection of what’s happening with the world. There’s a free world and there’s an enslaved world. America should stand for what’s right and protect the atmosphere when it comes to the spiritual realm. Right now, Ukraine and freedom will stand, partially with prayers.
Sagach said he has family members in Ukraine who are fighting in Ukraine.
He prayed for this “evil regime” to fall. He prayed for the Ukrainian military and protection for Ukrainian soliders.
Bryan Lowe, associate pastor at New Life Christian Church and World Outreach, thanked God for the believers in Ukraine that are praying like they were praying Saturday. He thanked God for Ukrainians being able to stand up and multiple their strength. He asked God to “come along side them.” He prayed for things to show God was still with the people of Ukraine.
“We thank you for your people being protected and provision happening,” Bryan said.
He prayed Ukraine will be a beacon of resistance and freedom. “That resistance will not be taken, that light can not be over taken by darkness,” Bryan said.
Locke said freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected and handed onto our children to do the same.
“Don’t think we’re exempt from this in America and this can’t happen in America, too,” Locke said. What is happening in Ukraine should serve as a reminder that “we’re only a short breath of this happening here” as well.
“We need to support our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We need to support our brothers and sisters around the world who are dealing with tyranny in different ways,” Locke said.
Locke prayed for America. He prayed corruption in America be sought out and exposed and the country will stand for the truth.
“We think we’re powerful in our own strength and we are nothing, we are nothing in your sight,” Locke said.
Locke said if there is corruption in “our lives,” he prayed for repentance.
“There are so many people that don’t know what life is really about,” Locke said.