St. Mary’s Peeper Sentenced

It's 30 days in jail for the so-called St. Mary's peeper. 73 year-old David Summerfield also received a tongue-lashing from the judge during Tuesday's sentencing hearing, who called Summerfield's actions an “atrocious social horror”. Summerfield admitted to watching female students in the shower for more than a year from holes he drilled in a ceiling above. He was also accused of stealing women's underwear from the laundryroom. Summerfield lost his job after a co-worker caught him. Besides the month in jail, The South Bend Tribune reports Summerfield will be on probation for 30 days and has been ordered to pay more than 25-hundred dollars for repair of the holes he drilled. Summerfield told the judge he was acting with a haze in his forehead. The judge fired back for his to forget that crap and take charge of his soul.