By Dan Spalding
News Now Warsaw
WARSAW — Warsaw school board members interviewed three candidates for the open seat on the board on Tuesday.
Four people had filed applications for the district three seat, but one withdrew before Tuesday’s meeting, according to School Board President Heather Reichenbach.
The three candidates are Michael Gough, Melissa Kissling and Berto Nunez.
All three were interviewed separately and responded to nine questions from the board.
Questions ranged from why they chose to run, their familiarity with finances and how they would handle a complaint about a teacher.
The school board has rarely had to fill a vacancy. The last time they were in that situation was some eight years ago when Jennifer Tandy stepped down when she and her family were preparing to move to California.
The vacancy was created after a school board candidate who won the election in November (and was unopposed) withdrew after she realized she resided in the wrong district.
Reichenbach said she’s pleased with the quality of the candidates
“I feel very blessed,” Reichenbach said. “Seeing that we only had one person run for District Three, we weren’t sure what the pool of interest would be,” Reichenbach said.
She said she was excited that so many people showed an interest in the job.
“We’re in a good place,” she said.
The school board is expected to fill the vacancy with an appointment at a public meeting on Monday night.
Whoever is chosen will inherit a four-year term (minus a few weeks) on the board.